Program Director and DJ Remington Jensen
By Remington Jensen
Born in ice new the fresh child lay
came in droves, bushels of mimicked rebirth
glacial electricity resonating from atop arctic buttes
systems of churned-out alphabetical youth in mechanical paths
Snow tracks following each
Cyclic tracings of tailed repetition
Hallucinogenic repeats
Trip over the reality of now
Once which now then becomes the next
Following the next that was then once before
And horns who bellow below
Beneath tundra wash echoes
The valley reverberates through austere ricochets
Harps twitter in the cathedral ceilinged walls
the claps shoot back in spiking formation against
Our bounceable canals
Fortified opposition for ray gun sounded off delays
Highrise crystal strings
only wailing slight, the drums attentive for shrieks
Knife play around the ice rink
And we have never been in control
Only in reaction
we ever feel value
Ignoring those who aren’t us
And feeling for those who are
Refracted blips, orange
Servo bulbs, red
Flashing seizures, yellow
Screeched howls, gray
Wind and strength, white
Serenading fireworks under blinks, black before
Arrayed spectrums into color bursting before
Caught in cloned stagnation
Tangled in the marionette’s twine I am the dance
Soaring across snow threads
Plucked thin bones like
Harp strings through halls
The spears of creations are my tendons sounding
From mountain summit to apex inferno
Alone at last
What come are sounds
Those lost in waking
that shout in sleep while surviving only in unoccupied pleasure of absence
sonics of vanishing
covered frozen mats of fur
fighting abyssal whiteout
Unknown location
thankful for just existing
Humanity’s crust
Cut, replaced by replica
surreal referendum, the
Choice of democracy has become swindled from man
What has been taken is
vision with control
replaced are tyrant links of heated winds in frosted lands
across subzero slick trails
innovated life endures the ritual of renascence
Tune in to Remington’s show on Tuesday at 6 p.m. or Saturday at 2:30 p.m.